Power Content Reading 1


Mã SP: SHN0003044 Danh mục: , , Thẻ:

Nhà xuất bản/Publisher: E-Future
Số trang/Pages: 184

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Power Content Reading 1,2,3

The purpose of this three-level reading series is to develop students’ reading skills and to familiarize students with the TOEFL ibt. In order to help students achieve their goals, the passages use an array of TOEFL-style activities, such as finding main ideas, inference, finding referents, implied meanings, etc. In addition, the series contains many passages of more traditional reading material, such as articles and stories that use interesting and unusual topics to strengthen students’ reading skills through the reinforcement of vocabulary and sentence structure.


icon arrow Upper-level series of Easy Content Reading
icon arrow Longer passages with a wide range of informative topics
icon arrow TOEFL iBT-style questions types
icon arrow Attention-grabbing images that support comprehension
icon arrow Additional summary exercises
icon arrow Reinforcement of vocabulary through the Vocabulary All-in-One review sections

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