Cambridge Primary Science Skills Builder level 2

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Cambridge Primary Science is a flexible and engaging course written specifically for the Cambridge Primary Science Curriculum Stages 1 to 6. The course uses an enquiry-led approach that helps pupils to think and work scientifically. Skills Builders provide consolidation activities for children who need extra learning opportunities to meet the standard for success. They also focus on scientific literacy for ESL children who find this a barrier to learning. A full range of activities help raise a child’s scientific literacy and understanding to match their peers, with teacher/parental guidance on key scientific methods and concepts before each exercise.

Overview book online      Cambridge Primary Science Skills Builder 2

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Với mỗi chi tiêu 1000đ bạn sẽ tích lũy 1 điểm dùng cho giảm giá khi mua hàng lần tiếp theo. Tổng điểm bạn có hiển thị trong trang tài khoản, khi đặt đơn tiếp theo tại trang thanh toán sẽ xuất hiện nút giảm giá để bạn dùng điểm đã có

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